Join SAE

Why join SAEINDIA? (Source :

Be a part of a National organization with a link to SAE International, whose benefits are geared specifically to the needs of the mobility engineering community. Your formal education and professional development will be enhanced through your SAEINDIA member benefits. Many of these benefits and opportunities are outlined below.
  • SAEINDIA is one of the few professional engineering societies whose membership represents practically every engineering and scientific discipline. Its members combine their specialized abilities to further advance the research, development, design, manufacture and utilization of vehicles which operate on land and water and in air and space.
  • Membership provides for regular members to have access to emagazine- either Automotive Engineering International or Aerospace Engineering magazine. These award winning magazines target hot topics about ground vehicle and aircraft developments to provide members with a valuable resource for keeping pace with the rapidly changing technology in the mobility industry.

  • Members can purchase SAEINDIA and SAE International technical papers and publications at member discount prices.
  • Members receive free registration at SAEINDIA's lecture meetings and exhibits. This unique benefit puts the members in touch with other professional engineers and suppliers who determine the future of the expanding mobility industry worldwide.
  • SAEINDIA regularly plans and offers many career development activities such as job fairs, career enhancement sessions, resume/recruitment boards, and resume database services. Professional development seminars are also available at special member discounted rates, as well as undergraduate and graduate scholarship programs.
  • Access vital high-tech mobility information through renewal registration fee for attending SAEINDIA National and International Congress.
  • Network with industry leaders and corporate officials at SAEINDIA meetings and local section activities.
  • Save Rs.2500 to Rs.10000 while attending SAEINDIA professional development business and TOP TECH Programs.